Oscar Llaudet Herrera

Pleinlaan 5, 1050, Brussels, Belgium

Oscar Llaudet is an intern at the Centre for Security, Diplomacy, and Strategy (CSDS), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), serving as a Research Assistant to Dr. Caterina Carta. He is currently in the final year of his Double Degree in International Affairs and Law at the Brussels School of Governance (BSoG). For his BSoG capstone course, he engaged in academic research on European supply chain management, supporting counter disinformation strategies for the US Mission to NATO and assisting legal researchers at his university.

Prior to his current role, Oscar gained diverse experience in Brussels, managing projects funded by major public financial institutions and contributing to multi-sectorial associations. Originally from Barcelona, Oscar also had the opportunity to participate in an exchange student programme in the United States. His research interests focus on European policy, international law and the intersection of security and diplomacy.

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