Zachary Selden

Fulbright Visiting Fellow
Pleinlaan 5, 1050, Brussels, Belgium

Zachary Selden is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Florida where he focuses on US national security and alliances with an emphasis on the transatlantic relationship. He is the author of, Alignment, Alliance, and American Grand Strategy (University of Michigan Press, 2016), and Economic Sanctions as Instruments of American Foreign Policy (Praeger,1999). He was previously the Deputy Secretary General for Policy at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly based in Brussels, Belgium from 2008-2011. He was the Director of the Defence and Security Committee of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly from 2003-2007. Prior to that posting, he was the International Affairs Analyst in the National Security Division of the Congressional Budget Office, and the Director for Emerging Threats at Business Executives for National Security.

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