Discover CSDS conversations

What are Conversations?

The CSDS Conversations are high-level seminars designed to bring together leading academics, think-tankers and public policy practitioners from Europe and across the world to debate some of the most pressing security and foreign policy challenges of an international system reshaped by the return of great power competition.

The 42 closed-door sessions organised between 2020-2025 focused on tackling both global and regional issues. They included Sino-American competition, the future of transatlantic relationship, Europe’s role in US grand strategy, EU-China trade relationship, grand strategy, UK in the post Brexit world, South Korean security policy, Germany’s foreign and security policy after Merkel, strategic cooperation in the Indo-Pacific, the Russian challenge to European security and the future of warfare.


Dima Adamsky (Reichman University)

Michael Beckley (Tufts University)

Benedetta Berti (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

Robert D. Blackwill (Council on Foreign Relations)

Stephen Brooks (Dartmouth College)

Ian Brzezinski (Brzezinski Group)

Reinhard Bütikofer (European Parliament)

Elbridge Colby (The Marathon Initiative)

Tom Codrington (UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

Marc DeVore (University of St. Andrews)

Eric Edelman (US Department of Defense)

Richard Fontaine (Center for a New American Security)

Yoichi Funabashi (Asia Pacific Initiative, Tokyo)

François Heisbourg (International Institute for Strategic Studies)

Marina Henke (Hertie School)

Beatrice Heuser (Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy)

Michael C. Horowitz (University of Pennsylvania) 

Kim Hyoung-zhin (Deputy ROK National Security Advisor)

Masafumi Ishii (Former Japanese Ambassador)

Seth G. Jones (CSIS)

Nico Lange (Munich Security Conference)

Rob Lee (Foreign Policy Research Institute)

Fei-fan Lin (Taiwan National Security Council)

Thomas G. Mahnken (Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments)

Claudia Major (German Institute for International and Security Affairs)

Michael Mandelbaum (School of Advanced International Studies)

Andrew May (Office of Net Assessment)

Caroline Millar (Australian Ambassador to Belgium, EU and NATO)

Chris Miller (Tufts University)

A. Wess Mitchell (The Marathon Initiative)

C. Raja Mohan (National University of Singapore)

Enrique Mora (European External Action Service)

Mihnea Motoc (European Commission)

Joseph S. Nye Jr. (Harvard University)

Sergey Radchenko (School of Advanced International Studies)

Kevin Rudd (Asia Society)

Nadia Schadlow (Hudson Institute)

Julianne Smith (US Mission to NATO)

Sir Hew Strachan (University of St. Andrews)

Tomasz Szatkowski (Polish Permanent Representative to NATO)

Jean-Pierre Van Aubel (European External Action Service)

Admiral Pierre Vandier (Chief of the French Navy)

Sabine Weyand (European Commission)

Robert Work (former U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense)


Robert G. Bell (Georgia Tech)

Benedetta Berti (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation)

Lisa Curtis (Center for a New American Security)

Karel De Gucht (Brussels School of Governance)

Ruben Diaz-Plaja (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation)

Daniel Fiott (Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy)

Bonnie Glaser (German Marshall Fund of the US)

Michael Green (United States Studies Centre, University of Sydney)

Beatrice Heuser (Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy)

Richard Hooker (Scowcroft Center)

Michael Kofman (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)

Dara Massicot (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)

Alexander Mattelaer (Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy)

Michael J. Mazarr (RAND Corporation)

Rory Medcalf (Australian National University)

Hugo Meijer (Sciences Po)

Antonio Missiroli (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation)

Alice Pannier (French Institute for International Relations)

Eva Pejsova (Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy)

Diego Ruiz Palmer (former NATO)

Mick Ryan (retired Major General, Australian Army)

Kori Schake (American Enterprise Institute)

James Sherr (International Centre for Defence and Security)

Susan Shirk (University of California San Diego)

Luis Simón (Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy)

Lucilla Sioli (European Commission)

Thomas Szatkowski (Polish Permanent Representative to NATO)

David van Weel (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation)
