Joris Teer

Pleinlaan 5, 1050, Brussel, Belgium

Joris Teer is a part-time PhD researcher at CSDS, focusing on the implications for the EU of the growing use by China and the US of weaponised interdependence-strategies in the digital domain (e.g., semiconductors). Teer is the Associate Analyst for economic security and technology at the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS). Teer was a strategic foresight and China analyst at the Hague Centre for Strategic Studies (HCSS), focusing on the dilemmas of deep economic interdependence at a time of great power rivalry. Joris co-initiated HCSS Boardroom, an initiative to make the strategies of industry and investors more geopolitically shock-resistant.

Selected publications

The cost of conflict: Economic implications of a Taiwan military crisis for the Netherlands and the EU, w/ DH Elisson & A de Ruijter (2024)

The EU’s China challenge: Rethinking offshore wind and electrolysis strategy, w/ TNO and Abe de Ruijter (2024)

Navigating the great game of chokepoints, w/ A de Ruijter & M Rademaker (2024)

Action on critical minerals is needed now, in Politico Europe w/ C Miller (2023)

Reaching breaking point: The semiconductor and critical raw material ecosystem at a time of great power rivalry, w/ M Bertolini (2022)

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