Ludovica Meacci

Pleinlaan 5, 1050, Brussels, Belgium

Ludovica Meacci is a PhD researcher at the Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy of the VUB. She holds an MSc in Contemporary China Studies from SOAS University of London and was a 2017 Yenching scholar at Peking University. Before joining BSoG, Ludovica has worked on Chinese foreign policy and EU-Asia relations in different roles, including at the Secretariat of the European Parliament, the Mercator Institute for China Studies and Jane’s Information Group. She also worked as a freelance journalist and analyst: her work has appeared in the Financial Times, South China Morning Post, Foreign Policy, ISPI, Il manifesto and Domani Giornale, among others.

Her research interests revolve around critical security studies, Chinese foreign policy and the role of technology in great power competition. She is particularly interested in examining the pursuit of a European strategic autonomy in cyber/tech policy, examining how different understandings of cyber insecurity impact the European foreign policy agenda.

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