Raluca Csernatoni

Pleinlaan 5, 1050, Brussel, Belgium

Dr Raluca Csernatoni is a guest professor on European security and counterterrorism, and new technologies at the Brussels School of Governance and its Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy, at Vrije Universiteit Brussels in Brussels, Belgium.

Csernatoni is currently a research fellow at Carnegie Europe, where she specializes on European security and defence, as well as emerging disruptive technologies. At Carnegie Europe, she is a team leader and policy research expert on new technologies for the EU Cyber Direct – EU Cyber Diplomacy Initiative project. She is also a visiting professor on technology, security, and high-tech warfare with the Department of International Relations of Central European University, and an associate research expert on PeaceTech with the Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution, both in Vienna, Austria.

Prior to joining the Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy, Csernatoni was a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer with the Department of International Relations with the Institute of Political Studies at Charles University in Prague, Czechia. There, she focused on the impact of new and emerging military capabilities and dual-use technologies such as drones and Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems on European security and defence.

Previously, Csernatoni conducted research on EU security, defence, and technological policies at the Faculté des Sciences Sociales et Politiques of Université libre de Bruxelles, the Royal Higher Institute for Defence’s Centre for Security and Defence Studies, and at the International Security Information Service Europe in Brussels. She was also a research fellow in the Study Program on European Security at the Institute for European Politics in Berlin, Germany.

Csernatoni holds a PhD and master’s degree in International Relations from the Central European University, a research institution accredited in Austria, Hungary, and the United States, with campuses in Vienna and Budapest.

Her academic work has appeared in peer-reviewed journals such as European Foreign Affairs Review, European Security, Critical Military Studies, Global Affairs, and European View. She has authored numerous book chapters, policy analysis articles, reports, op-eds, and commentary pieces on the governance of EU defence, technological, digital and cyber initiatives, and the impact of emerging disruptive technologies such as AI. Her co-edited book, Emerging Security Technologies and EU Governance: Actors, Practices and Processes, was published with Routledge Studies in Conflict, Security and Technology Series in 2020.

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