Salih Isik Bora

Pleinlaan 5, 1050, Brussels, Belgium

Salih Işık Bora is a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy (CSDS), currently working in the ERC project Sino-American Competition and European Strategic Autonomy, led by Professor Luis Simón. Salih obtained his PhD in political science (international relations) from Sciences Po Paris in December 2023. His research interests are at the intersection of international politics and political economy, with original findings in topics such as the geopoliticisation of EU competition policy. His PhD dissertation titled ‘Escape Forward: French state elites, EU politics and the discursive practice of European sovereignty’ was shortlisted for the best thesis prize of the University Association in Contemporary European Studies (UACES). Salih’s work featured in journals such as Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of European Integration, French Politics, European Foreign Affairs Review and West European Politics.

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