Defence and Statecraft

Daniel Fiott
Head of Defence and Statecraft

A range of crises over the past decades have conspired to challenge the security and defence of Europe and its allies. The return of war to Europe and the re-emergence of great power competition has given rise to questions about Europe’s position in the world. The need for increased defence expenditure and military capabilities in the West has never been more urgent and allies and partners, the European Union and NATO are rising to these challenges through innovative policies and investments. Additionally, the transatlantic relationship is undergoing change with questions about Sino-American competition and the Indo-Pacific directly affecting defence policy in Europe. On top of this, the control and use of technology has become a hallmark of statecraft and disruptive technologies have the potential to up-end geopolitics and the global balance of power. Finally, the intersection of conventional and unconventional threats means that Europe and its partners must create effective responses to hybrid threats, cyberdefence, outer space and the maritime domain.

Seeking to address such challenges, the Defence and Statecraft Programme at the Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy (CSDS) aims to become the leading research and policy hub for analysis and engagement on defence, geopolitics and technology. By drawing on its wealth of academic expertise and its extensive policy networks in Brussels and beyond, the Programme will engage with research through policy- and scholarly-relevant analysis, provide a policy platform and leverage its location in Brussels to analyse defence, geopolitics and technology, lead on projects that help shape policy thinking in Brussels and work with global partners on common strategic projects of interest.

For more information on the Defence and Statecraft Programme, please contact Prof Dr Daniel Fiott.


Head of Defence and Statecraft
Head of Geopolitics and Technology Programme



March 14, 2025
15:10 - 18:00
October 16, 2024
09:00 - 17:45
February 5, 2025
February 6, 2025
May 16, 2024
09:00 - 12:00


In: Europe's Edge (CEPA)
Daniel Fiott
In: The Warcast
Daniel Fiott