Episode 32: Dealing with Disinformation: A Global Challenge

Episode 32: Dealing with Disinformation: A Global Challenge

In: Asia Matters

Disinformation has become somewhat of a buzzword over the last few years, particularly in the wake of Russian interference into the 2016 US election. But what exactly do we mean when we talk about ‘disinformation’ – and who is spreading it, and how? Governments, academics and journalists have been playing ever closer attention to the phenomenon, especially when it comes to state actors – and for Europe, the US and its allies, that means Russia and China in particular. But faced with a vast array of actors and motives – from pro-Kremlin troll farms to China’s so-called wolf warrior diplomats – what efforts can governments take to lessen their impact? To discuss this, we are joined by Lutz Guellner, the Head of Strategic Communications at the European External Action Service (EEAS), and Bonji Ohara, an expert in defence issues and Senior Fellow at the Sasakawa Peace Foundation.

For more on this joint CSDS and Asia Matters episode, including a reading list, visit asiamatterspod.com.

The episode is available here: https://asiamatterspod.com/
