Book by Dr Ramon Pacheco Pardo rated as one of the top ten International Affairs books reviewed in 2020

North Korea-US Relations from Kim Jong Il to Kim Jong Un“, a book written by Dr Ramon Pacheco Pardo, KF-VUB Korea Chair at the Brussels School of Governance, has been rated as one of the top 10 books reviewed in 2020 by International Affairs.

The editorial team of the International Affairs journal wrote in their book review that “Ramon Pacheco Pardo does an absolutely brilliant job of outlining the North Korean perspective on its changing relationship with the US. Pacheco Pardo draws on discussions with US, Chinese North Korean and South Korean policymakers to demystify the North’s Strategy adding important detail to cursory accounts of the country as a rouge state.” A full book review is available here.

International Affairs is a world-leading journal of international relations renowned for academically rigorous, practitioner-focused scholarship. They have published peer-reviewed, policy-relevant research since 1922 and are one of the most highly regarded international relations journals in the English language.
