Brussels Korea Forum Strengthens EU-South Korea Exchange

On the 29th of September, the KF-VUB Korea Chair at the CSDS, Brussels School of Governance, organized a successful second edition of the Brussels Korea Forum. The forum has become the preeminent venue for a Brussels and European audience to learn about and discuss European and Korean affairs. This year’s forum involved over 80 policy-makers, scholars, and students. Discussions focused on Korean Peninsula security, South Korean and European perspectives on global security, and South Korea and Europe in global economic governance. Speakers included Former South Korean Minister of Foreign Affairs Kang Kyung-wha; Lukas Mandl, Chair of the Delegation for relations with the Korean Peninsula of the European Parliament; Ambassador for International Cooperation on North Korean Human Lee Shin-wha; Former ROK Minister for Trade Yoo Myung-hee; and Former EU Ambassador to South Korea Michael Reiterer. His Excellency Yoon Soongu, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the European Union and Belgium, gave the closing address.

The Brussels Korea Forum is sponsored by the Korea Foundation. A recording of the event is available on the CSDS Youtube Channel.
