CSDS-Asia Matters Podcast: An overlooked actor? Japan’s role in South East Asia

This episode focuses on Japan’s role in Asia, and in particular its somewhat overlooked relations with South East Asia. While there is plenty of coverage of China’s increasing economic and diplomatic clout in the region, Japan — still, of course, the world’s third largest economy — has for decades been a major investor in the region. Not only that, it has also built strong diplomatic ties with southeast Asian nations and has recently been co-operating more closely on defence issues too, most recently signing a deal with Thailand. At a time when inter-state relations in Asia are evolving and becoming more complex, we wanted to look at Japan’s significant presence in the region — and also to understand how countries there view that role.

To do so, we have regular guest Eva Pejsova, a senior Japan fellow at CSDS with a research portfolio that focuses on security issues in the Indo-Pacific region. And we’re delighted to be joined for the first time by Maria Thaemar Tana, an assistant professor in international relations at the University of the Philippines. Listen to the podcast episode and get the transcript here:
