CSDS co-hosts two successful panels in Washington DC

On 9 May 2022, the Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy (CSDS) at the Brussels School of Governance co-hosted, along with the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), two successful panel discussions in Washington DC.    The first public event was devoted the topic of establishing a Transatlantic Dialogue in the Indo-Pacific, and it was broken into two sessions.    Session one involved discussing the theoretical and practical aspects of cooperation in the Indo-Pacific between the United States, Europe, and various partners in Asia.The goal of this panel was to outline areas that require more talks between the partners as well as goals for the future and how the partnerships in the region should look. Speakers included Victor Cha, Michael J. Green, Luis Simón, and Yoko Iwama, and the conversation was moderated by Eva Pejsova.    Session two focused specifically on the economic aspect of the transatlantic relathionship between Europe and the United States and how it pertains to China and the Indo-Pacific. Within the realm of economics, the issues surrounding the global supply chain, working with politically friendly governments, selectivity and capability, and the inclusion of the private sector were all touched on by the panelists in detail. The panel was moderated by Giulia Tercovich and included Matthew Goodman, Ramon Pacheco Pardo, Shin Oya, and Linde Desmaele as speakers.    During the second discussion, on the subject of Trilateral Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific, participants focused on breaking down the various aspects of cooperation between the United States, Europe and Japan in terms of actions concerning the Indo-Pacific. The speakers discussed areas of conflict within this potential partnership, various goals, as well as the nuances of cooperation that still need to be ironed out. This discussion was held in the context of the ongoing Ukraine war, which the panelists stressed has a great effect on how coalition building in Asia should take place. Participating in the discussion was Dr. Michael J. Green, Dr. Eva Pejsova, and Dr. Yuichi Hosoya, with Pierre Marcos as serving as a moderator.
