EUIA call for papers

The EU is starting to grapple with a shifting international context. Europe’s role in the world is called into question by factors such as China’s economic rise, the ‘America First’ doctrine of the Trump administration and more assertive foreign policies of Russia and Turkey. Within and beyond Europe, political forces are parading authoritarianism as an alternative to liberal democracy. Brexit is yet another test to the EU’s internal cohesion and external capabilities. Internal challenges and a more hostile international environment may limit the EU’s capacity to act as a global power. Yet, they could also result in an opposite outcome – a wake-up call for the Union to engage more and strive for ‘strategic autonomy’ or ‘European sovereignty’ in areas such as defence or energy security. More than ever, the EU is aware of the urgency to mitigate climate change and to find a more coordinated response to international migration and forced displacement. The question therefore arises: what is the EU’s capacity to act in international affairs?

The EUIA biennial conference provides a major forum for discussion and exchange of ideas amongst academics and policy-makers who engage with these issues. We encourage the submission of paper abstracts and panel proposals that focus on the EU’s capacity to act internationally. Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Creating Capacities to Act
  • Assessing Capacities to Act

Extended deadline for submissions: 14 November 2019
