CSDS Outreach: November & December 2022

Overview of the CSDS media appearances during the month of November and December 2022.


In: Newsweek
Daniel Fiott was quoted in a piece about emerging military technology and the war on Ukraine.

Killer robots have arrived to Ukrainian battlefields

In: Coda Story
Daniel Fiott was quoted in a piece about military technology and the Ukraine war.
In: Knack
In this article, Koert Debeuf discusses the Dutch translation of the political-philosophical main oevre of Al-Farabi, "De Deugdzame Stad", explaining the importance of the text, but also why we have never heard of this philosopher in the West.
In: Curs de Guvernare
Daniel Fiott
In: The Tribune Magazine
Claude Rakisits
In: EU Observer
In this op-ed, BSoG researcher Koert Debeuf puts forward that in the global arena, Europe and the US are losing support from the rest of the world and that Europe has no other choice than to seriously rethink its foreign policy and change its discourse.