CSDS – Publications in 2023

The Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy (CSDS) seeks to contribute to a better understanding of the key contemporary security and diplomatic challenges of the 21st century – and their impact on Europe – while reaching out to the policy community that will ultimately need to handle such challenges.

As part of this overall objective, CSDS produces a number of in-house publications that seek to inform public and policy debates. The publications seek to analyse issues such as foreign policy and diplomacy, strategic rivalry between great powers, economic security, defence and deterrence and security, among other topics. In many cases, the publications will focus on specific regions and countries such as Europe, the Indo-Pacific, Japan, South Korea or the United States.

Our aim is to use our publications as vehicles for the extensive and renowned research expertise we have at CSDS. In many cases, we also use our publications to share and promote the ideas of partners and external researchers. CSDS publications come in three major formats: Policy Briefs, In-Depth Papers and Strategy Debriefs. Each of our three main publications have specific purposes:

  • The Policy Briefs aim to provide online, highly readable, shorter pieces of analysis on key topic of interest for European security.
  • Our In-Depth Papers are for longer pieces of analysis that directly stem from projects we run at CSDS. They are published in a paper format.
  • The Strategy Debriefs, which we publish in cooperation with the Small Wars Journal, are our format for publishing online interviews with senior policymakers and academics.


To highlight our publications in 2023, we have produced a catalogue for your ease of reference: CSDS Publications Catalogue – 2023
