KF-VUB Korea Chair organises successful inaugural Brussels Korea Forum

The KF-VUB Korea Chair at the CSDS, Brussels School of Governance, organised a successful inaugural edition of the Brussels Korea Forum. The Chair’s ambition is for the Brussels Korea Forum to become the preeminent venue for a Brussels and European audience to learn about and discuss Korean affairs. This year’s forum involved over 100 policy-makers, researchers, scholars and students. Discussions focused on Korean Peninsula security, South Korean and European perspectives on global security, and South Korea and Europe in global economic governance. Speakers included former ROK Minister of Foreign Affairs Kim Sung-hwan, former ROK Minister for Trade Kim Jong-hoon, former UN Under Secretary General and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Kim Won-soo, former EU Ambassador to the ROK Michael Reiterer, former ROK Ambassador to the EU Kim Chang-beom, and Ewha Womans University President Eun Mee Kim.

Ramon Pacheco Pardo, KF-VUB Korea Chair, said, ”We are delighted that we have launched the Brussels Korea Forum with this first event in central Brussels. The Forum is designed to help strengthen bridges between Korea and Europe, and to foster robust and open discussion about Korean affairs in the EU’s capital.”

Luis Simon, CSDS Director, said, “Run by the Korea Chair at CSDS, the first edition of the Brussels Korea Forum has been an unqualified success. The forum is set to become a referent in Brussels and Europe for all things Korea.”

The Brussels Korea Forum is sponsored by the Korea Foundation and supported by the Korean Cultural Center Brussels. A recording of the event is available on the CSDS Youtube channel.
